Greensphere Capital

Greensphere Capital

Greensphere excels in scaling engineered and nature-based technological solutions to solve some of the biggest systemic risks facing our generation.

As the first fund manager to the UK Government’s Green Investment Bank, we’ve grown green and sustainable businesses in some of the most challenging environments for over a decade.

Over the course of three successive funds, we have and continue to create long-term sustainable science-based and technical jobs, invest in and grow our supply chain partners, and try to spread good business practices.

Our team believes the best way to invest sustainably is to mitigate and manage true risk and that anything else is window-dressing. We do this through our science-based triple bottom line investment approach (profit, people and planet) and we don’t believe our investors need to compromise on returns to also do good.

E: [email protected]

T: 02039604429

Sectors: Business Services and Financial Services. Office Types: Private Offices. Locations: Bio Centre.

Get in Touch

If you'd like to find out more information on our facilities or book a tour of the park drop us a line and fill out your details here